I’ve just uploaded a new Version of the Schedule Bot to the Android Market. First I want to say sorry for the german only Version, I’ve added an english translation! The App is still a Beta Version a feature that will come the next days is a settings menu where you could:
- manage the schedule sources
- set the update intervall
- adjust the font size
Eventually I will add zxing support to add new URLs easily via barcode. I also want to say that it is my goal to make this app server indipendent. At this time I’m maintaining only some events in germany, but you could create the Source XML on your own and add it as source in the next version. I’m also thinking about a simple tool which allows you to create those XML files a bit faster and offer more comfort than hacking XML. The XML should be self explaining, but if you have Questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
I’m also aware of 2 Bugs, which will be fixed in the next Version:
- if you receive an schedule update the session selections are lost
- the overview list position is not correctly after selecting a session
You are welcome to post feedback, critic or ideas.